A worldwide nautical charts catalog

with both raster & vector charts derived in part

from chart material provided by international Hydrographic Offices

  1. Raster nautical charts (RNCs) : bitmap copies of the official navigational paper maps
  2. Vector nautical charts (ENCs) : vector ENCs (s-57 & s-63 formats) rasterized using s-52 rendering

differences between RNCs and ENCs

1. Raster charts catalog

the basic service

a cloud-based nautical charts streaming platform

with an exhaustive catalog of raster charts derivated in part

from material provided by the following international Hydrographic Offices



These digital georeferenced raster nautical charts (more than 10000 charts), 

are  regularly and automatically updated through our Cloud computing solution.

Raster charts coverage

according to the different international Hydrographic Offices' sources

click on the 'Visible layers' popup menu to select the layer(s)
click on any point of the world map to get the specifications of the corresponding nautical raster chart (title, scale..)
Note : the viewer doesn't display the raster contents of the charts but only the geographical coverage.

2. Region coverage with ENC vector charts

A complementary offer for local areas

The GeoGarage platform also serves images of vector ENC Electronic navigational charts as a complementary offer to the different raster nautical charts (RNC) layers for its B2B customers  (see GeoGarage blog article).

'A la carte' service procedure : with ENCs, the user can select a limited set of charts for a chosen region in the worldwide catalog according six scale bands available :

  • 1 : Overview scale band consists of ENC files with a scale band smaller than 1:1,500,000. 
  • 2 : General : from 1:600,001 to 1:1,500,000. 
  • 3 : Coastal : from 1:150,001 to 1:600,000. 
  • 4 : Approach : from 1:50,001 to 1:150,000. 
  • 5 : Harbour : from 1:5,000 to 1:50,000. 
  • 6 : Berthing : larger than 1:5,000. 
Note :  The ENC filename is stored in the attribute named DSNM from the “coverage_area” feature layer.  The third character within the filename is a numeric value referencing to the following scale band category.  For example, a filename of US2EC02M.000 indicates that it is within the General scale band category.

So this implementation of ENCs (worldwide catalogue of about 17,000 charts) allows to complete the catalog of available nautical charts (more than 10,000 raster charts) usually proposed by the GeoGarage platform, for regions where the GeoGarage can't access -for the moment- to raster data (pending licenses with some international Hydrographic Offices) for webmapping applications.

The following countries are concerned by s-63 ENcs for web services : China (C1), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), Georgia (GE), Indonesia (ID), Lithuania (LI), Latvia (LV), Montenegro (ME), Poland (PL), Sweden (SE), Ukraine (UA), additionnaly to other countries for which GeoGarage already has licenses for raster data and for some of them vector s-57 ENCs : Belgium (BE), Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), France (FR), Germany (DE), Croatia (HR), Iceland (IS), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Norway (NO), South Africa (ZA), Spain (SP), United Kingdom (UK), USA (US).

Note : for non web display, GeoGarage can provide worldwide coverage licenses under DRM, so ENC s-63 format (not limited to the above countries) and Admiralty raster ARCS for onshore local Intranet access (groups of 5 displays/concurrent users) in GIS and specific applications to use in a closed environment (VTS station for example).

ENC worlwide catalogue

click on the above button to display the ENC worldwide coverage
download weekly updated kmz file  to display the ENC worldwide coverage in Google Earth

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

ENCs with different displays

GeoGarage can propose several types of visualizations  with the ENCs depending on the specifications of the customer.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

ENCs for specific areas

GeoGarage adapts its offer for local spot coverage      

Odoo - Sample 3 for three columns

iENCs for rivers, canals, lakes and other inland waters

GeoGarage gives access to  all the Inland ENCs catalogue